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Working Through Trauma



As stressed during the summer-school, dealing with the topic of stress, trauma, trauma healing, and collective trauma can be a rather personal exercise for the participants, either because each person’s background is present, referred to, or touched by the discussions and cases, or by experiencing traumatic experiences him/herself. This placed a special attention on analyzing oneself and where one is standing to explore the overall topic of trauma. Having this in mind, a considerable part of the summer-school time and energy was given to community building – creating trust among the participants - in order to develop an atmosphere where exploring these emotions could be shared – if necessary.


Another important fact in connecting with the topic were the visits, both to different monuments in Amsterdam that represent a memory of trauma and wounds of the past and by “moving along with music” with the Musicians Without Borders (the participants were invited to play music along with this NGO that uses music in different contexts of traumatic experiences around the world, as a therapeutic element)



Pacheco, Andrés, Working Through Trauma: Transgenerational and societal dimensions in South Africa, The Netherlands, and Germany - A Report, Amsterdam, 2016.


Programme overview & information

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